Sitelutions Dynamic DNS Update Clients & SpecsSitelutions is compatible with many well-known Dynamic DNS update clients. Also, we make it easy for our users
to develop their own clients by maintaining specifications on our open update infrastructure.
| Note: Update clients listed below are not written by Sitelutions -- please use them at your own risk, and please contact the software author for support, as we cannot support these applications.
Windows Clients: | | |
| Mac & OSX Clients: | | |
| Unix (and cross-platform) Clients & Scripts: | | |
| More clients coming soon. Please let us know if you have a problem with any of these clients.
Developers, please email us if you wish to have us add your client! | |  |  |
You can update your DNS Record(s) with a simple HTTP or HTTPS (recommended) request to our server. You can use this information
to build your own update client. If you develop your client, we'd love to review it and post it here. Please contact us if you've built your own
update client.
Update Specs Script URL: http(s)://www.sitelutions.com/dnsup
Arguments to be passed in the URL (GET querystring):- user
Your e-mail address as registered with our system (address you use to login).
- pass
Your password that you use to login.
- id
The record ID of the A record you'd like to update. Multiple IDs can be separated by a comma (",") character.
- ip
The new IP address for this record.
- detectip
If this parameter is set to "1", the ip parameter is ignored, and the record is updated with the IP address that originated the HTTP request.
- ttl
Optional field for time-to-live. If not provided, record's TTL is not changed.
Sample Update URL https://www.sitelutions.com/[email protected]&pass=SecretPass&ip=
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| Possible Update Responses: (Response is plain text [text/plain])
- noauth
User authentication failed (user e-mail address or password invalid)
- success
Record has been updated successfully.
- failure ([description])
Where [description] is equal to one of the following:
- invalid ip
You provided an invalid IP address (or didn't provide one at all) via GET querystring parameter 'ip'.
- invalid ttl
You provided an invalid time-to-live via GET querystring parameter 'ttl'.
- no record
You failed to provide a record ID to update.
- dberror
A database error of some sort occurred. This is an unusual and unlikely error. Contact support.
- not owner
You are not the owner of the record you are trying to update.
Please note that if you provide more than one record ID to be updated, the system will return multiple responses, each on a new line.
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